Friday, May 1, 2009

The FOILed Confidential Letter

Below is the confidential letter of intent to purchase approximately 36 acres of land on Beaver Road for $1,000,000.00 that was signed by Supervisor Dunning on July 23, 2008.   The letter was also accepted and signed by Laurence Glazer, the representative for the seller, 100 Beaver Road LLC. 

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Below is a letter to the editor which appeared on page 10A in the April 30, 2009 - Gates-Chili Post (click on the letter to enlarge it).  Irene Brixner brings up some very good points about the Dunning administration's lack of openness and transparency.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Chili Land Purchase Questioned

Below is a letter to the editor which appeared on page 10A in the April 23, 2009 - Gates-Chili Post (click on the letter to enlarge it).  Heath Miller asks a very good question.  Why is the Town of Chili purchasing landlocked land for the highway garage?  

Thursday, April 23, 2009

DPW Construction Cost

Below is Passero Associate's estimated construction cost for a new Department of Public Works:  $9.1 Million for the building and $11.7 Million total.  Notice that the $11.7 Million included only $225,000 for 15 acres of land, not $1 Million for 36 acres of land.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tax Free Property?

The picture below shows the parcel formerly known as 100 Beaver Road outlined in blue.  It is two separate pieces, although both are part of the same tax ID number.

The main piece is shaded below.  It is approximately 143 acres.  

The landlocked piece is shaded below.  It is approximately 6.91 acres.

What is astonishing is that the tax bill for 100 Beaver Road shows a total of only 142.78 acres!  That's the acreage of the main piece only and does not include the landlocked piece.

Check out last year's land assessment for 100 Beaver Road below.  Approximately $1.57 Million for 142.78 acres. Surprisingly, $1.57 Million is what the appraisal came in for only about 32 acres of this land ($1.5 Million for the 25-acre site and $70,000 for the 6.91-acre site).  Looks like this land has been grossly underassessed for quite some time!   

Wouldn't it be nice if the Town Assessor gave us all a big property tax break by underassessing our homes, or better yet, excluding land from the assessment all together?  Perhaps different standards are used if the land owner is a wealthy developer?  

A Tale of Two Sites

Below is a map that shows the 25-acre site and the 6.91-acre site that was appraised.

Notice how the 6.91-acre site is completely landlocked?

The Town of Chili does not currently own any of the land adjacent to this landlocked site.  The land to the west and north is owned by COMIDA - Wegmans; the land to the east is owned by Perl Land Development Corporation (not The Father's House as stated in the appraisal); and the land to the south is the CSX railroad tracks.

During the public forum of the last two Town Board meetings, residents have asked why the Town of Chili is purchasing this landlocked site.  The Town Board refuses to answer any questions about it.  So much for open government!

A Friend in Need

Check out the invitations for a recent fundraiser hosted by Larry Glazer and John Caruso & Passero Associates for Supervisor Dunning.  Yes, that's Larry (Laurence) Glazer, the person listed as Manager of 100 Beaver Road, LLC, the owner of the 36 acres of land the Town of Chili wants to buy for $1 Million.